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Yin Yoga w/Reiki: 11/3

Come to nourish your body with a deeply restorative class that combines Yin Yoga with group Reiki.

Yin yoga is a great way to balance out the Yang practice of hot yoga by helping you ease into a passive practice to relax muscles, stretch ligaments, tendons, and fascia. Each posture is held 3-5minutes to allow your body to relax into the posture stimulating meridians (the energy pathways) of your body.

Combining it with Reiki (an ancient Japanese method of energy balancing) is nurturing and restorative on all levels; mind-body-spirit. It’s a great way to bring Lokahi (balance) to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. No experience necessary. This is a non-heated class.

Instructor: Melanie Naone is an RN, Holistic Nurse, MSNE, Reiki Practitioner, Healing Touch student & certified Yin & Hot Yoga Instructor.

When: 1st Fridays

Time: 7-8:15pm

Fee: $29 Single drop-in or included in your BK Membership

Sign up: Create an account with Bella Kai Hot Yoga, then reserve your spot! Click the link below. If you already are a member of Bella Kai, reserve this class just like you would any other hot yoga offering!

October 27

Costume Party Celebration: 10/27

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